Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sex, Drinking, Murder: With Kids in Car

So, I'm sure by now everyone knows about the UGA professor, George Zinkham, who killed his wife and 2 others at a theatre show and then was found a few weeks later buried underground. He shot himself aftet attempting to hide his body underground. Anyyyyway, that's not the crazy part. He had his kids in the car when he murdered the 3 people!! It's so sad, because you wonder whether or not they knew what he was doing at the time, but still also zany in its sadness. Like I said, this isn't a new story, but I read a story that was similair to this (although in much less serious offenses) so I figured I'd lead off with that little gem.

So, without further ado, here is the other story (which can actually be described as funny moreso than depressing):

A mother in Ohio was caught having sex with a man in her car while her kids (3 yrs. & 1 yr.) were in the backseat. She was charged with: "...child endangering, public indecency, drug paraphernalia and driving while intoxicated." The real kicker? When answering for her alleged actions in court, Danica Wallace said, "I spilled beer all over my pants and when I went to change my pants, the police pulled up and said that I was engaged in sex with my kids in the back seat." So much better. She claims that she is not a bad mother, and in the next sentence says that while she wasn't having sex, "I do admit I was drinking with my kids in the car." What a great mom!

PS: If you don't remember reading about Zinkham, here's a link + a photo: http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/05/12/georgia.professor.autopsy/index.html?iref=newssearch

Monday, May 18, 2009

Love Land: China's Horniest Amusement Park

I just read a story on Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,520501,00.html) talking about a "sex theme park" in the Chinese city Chongqing that is being closed down before it even opens. The park featured "explicit exhibits of genitalia and sexual culture," and the pictures of the plans for the park prompted condemnation throughout the world.
Many of the exhibits were giant reproductions of genitalia, "sex technique workshops," and how different cultures treat sex.

Following are some pictures I scrounged up on Google images... pretty fascinating:

How did they expect that this wouldn't be a problem? It seems to be very visible:

Photo Credit (AKA: where I grabbedboth pics from, is this allowed?) : http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2434621.ece
Also worth a glance, just do a simple Google search for "Love Land" and you can see statues, etc. from other Love Lands (most notably, Korea- some of these are pretty out there... take a peek at the water fountain penises!!) Here's a link to the main search page: http://images.google.com/images?q=love+land&gbv=2&hl=en&sa=2